⚠ī¸ The Flashcord Configuration Tool is UNFINISHED.

⚠ī¸ The Flashcord Configurator might have issues with the STB and LPM branches.

đŸ—Ŗī¸ Flashcord Language

Ever since the Creator's Anniversary Update, Flashcord no longer includes ever single language out of the box (with the exception of "GangChat").

If you want to add a new language, select the language you wish to install below.

You must set your Discord language to the respective language pack for Flashcord to automatically switch to that language.

đŸ‡Ģ🇷 French

đŸ‡Ē🇸 Spanish (BROKEN)

🇷🇴 Romanian (BROKEN)

đŸ’Ĩ GangChat

👷 Common Tweaks

These are the most common settings that are modified when installing Flashcord.

These range from preventing common issues or reducing distractions.

Clicking any of the following links will lead you to where the checkbox is located. You can thus read more on the X or Y tweak without having to scroll down.

✨ Special Tweaks

These tweaks changes certain aspects of Flashcord to a very specific degree.

They for example transform Iridescent Mode into a glorified Custom Background Mode that fries your computer.

Notice for "Potato Mode": Use Flashcord LPM if it doesn't help

đŸ’Ĩ Transform Iridescent Mode (Light) into CBM mode (no moving nor rainbow background)

đŸ’Ĩ Transform Iridescent Mode (Dark) into CBM mode (no moving nor rainbow background)

⏱ī¸ Idle Optimizations (Broken)

When you're not hovering Discord, Flashcord disables certain elements such as blurs, animations, transitions and more to prevent high GPU or CPU usage when you're not looking at Flashcord.

You can disable those optimizations or enforce a more intense version that compromises more on style.

🚄 Enable Max Idle Optimizations

đŸĸ Disable Idle Optimizations

🎛ī¸ Control Panel (Settings Modal)

Flashcord makes the settings modal much bigger, if you don't like that behavior you can change it, or you can make it even more big thanks to the Fullscreen mode.

Pop-up Control Panel (Default)

Fullscreen Control Panel

📈 Make the Settings Modal Fullscreen

↩ī¸ Restore the Stock Settings Modal

🔒 My Account Tab

Due to Discord's excellent responsive design the moment you touch the settings modal, Flashcord redesigns entirely the My Account Tab to make it more wide and less broken looking (by replacing the broken with other broken things).

You can disable this internal module but you may want to also disable the Control Panel changes.

Redesigned My Account Tab (Default)

↩ī¸ Restore the Stock My Account Tab

🎨 Appearance Tab

As Flashcord is a mega theme (a theme containing multiple "sub-themes"), the appearance tab was modified to better show what sub-theme you are actually selecting.

For the sake of User Experience, it is not recommended to disable this internal module.

Redesigned Appearance Tab (Default)

↩ī¸ Restore the Stock Appearance Tab

đŸ’Ŧ Chat Slide

Chat Slide is an internal module that makes the channel list much more compact until it is hovered. "SNDL" ChatSlide is a much faster implementation that unfortunately causes problems on advances themes where the background needs to be transparent.

In other words...

Please disable ChatSlide if you're using an advanced theme and cannot bear the lag.

There's nothing I can do on the optimization side to make it less stutter.

Note that disabling the ChatSlide does NOT work if you are using Legacy CBM, in that case, switch to Replugged and install ThemeHooker.

A 3rd party Flashcord Module may exist to fully disable the ChatSlide if you are stuck with Legacy CBM mode.

ChatSlide-SNDL (Default on non-transparent background themes)

ChatSlide-Legacy (Default on Custom Background, Iridescent and Transparent Mode)

đŸŽ¯ Force "Legacy" Chat Sliding (NOT recommended)

🛑 Don't Compact the Channel List

đŸ¤ŧ Member Slide

Much like Chat Slide, the Member Slide internal module compacts the Members List until it is hovered. However unlike ChatSlide, this only has a "high performance" option no matter which theme you are using.

Member List gets Compacted (Default)

🛑 Don't Compact the Members List

🛎ī¸ Guild Notification

By default, Flashcord says "Screw the ugly notification pills! Get rid of them! All of them!", and thus the "gay glow" notification was born. If you find it too distracting, you may make it static or bring back the pills.

Unless you disable the smaller Guild List, you may encounter minor issues if you opt into removing the glow all together. It is not recommended to use the Horizontal Navigation Bar with the pills.

Animated Guild Notifications

Static Guild Notifications

đŸšĻ Disable Rainbow Glow on Unread Servers

đŸĒĢ Disable Servers Glowing on Unread Notification

🏘ī¸ Guild Navigation Bar

You may not have realized but the Server List is actually slightly smaller with Flashcord, the more you know! Furthermore you may not know this too but there is actually an option to put the server list horizontally instead of vertically.

Compact Server List (Default)

Compact, Horizontal Server List

🔃 Make the Server List Horizontal

↩ī¸ Restore the Stock Server List

🔔 Channel Notification

I can't believe they made the channel emojis gay too!

Identical idea of the Guild Notifications but for Channel Emojis

Animated Channel Notifications

Static Channel Notifications

đŸšĻ Disable Rainbow Glow on Unread Channels

đŸĒĢ Disable Channels Glowing on Unread Notification

💨 Message Slide

When a message gets sent, it slides from the right with a nice little fade. If you're using a potato to run Flashcord then the less GPU usage from disabling this could come in handy.

Message Slide from Right (Default)

âŦ…ī¸ Disable Messages Sliding from the right

🔎 Image Zoom (alias Imagivid or Flashcord Zoom)

When you click on an image, instead of painfully going through the slow process of opening in browser the image, then zooming in poorly, you can just click and hover on the image and tada! Scroll your mouse wheel to go up or down and watch your image from up close!

There's no reason to disable this. It may seem not that big of a deal but this is quite a major QoL feature.

Hovering on an Image Zooms it (Default)

🔎 Disable Zooming on Hover

📌 Menthrepin (Bigger Mentions/Threads/Pins Tab)

It's all in the name! Gone are the small as hell pins tab! No more are your pinned copypastas on 7 seperate lines!

Bigger Mentions/Threads/Pins Tab (Default)

📌 Disable the Bigger Mentions/Pins/Threads Pop-up

đŸ”Ļ Search (Bigger Message Search Tab)

Another QoL Feature that doesn't really seem to have any reason to be disabled! But you can disable it anyways! Make yourself laugh and disable everything in Flashcord and watch it become a basic ass colored theme!

Bigger Message Search Tab (Default)

đŸ”Ļ Disable the Bigger Message Search

🤝 Friends FlexGrid

A very broken ass feature that only works for people without friends. No seriously. It affects the entire Friends Tab.

Due to Discord's way of loading the Friends Tab (Lazy Loading), if you have too many friends, this tab may absolutely shit its pants so bad you'll be wondering if Discord is about to go to the Backrooms. If you are having this problem, do NOT hesitate to disable this QoL feature entirely.

Friends are in a Grid (Default)

🤝 Disable Friends List being in a Grid

✨ User Profile Model Redesign

The Flashcord QoL feature that makes the UPM much bigger and fancier, at the cost of Sirius' insanity.

It took over 3 Alpha Builds to have a version that works well enough. And yet to this day it's still got some problems.

The User Profile Model is Redesigned (Default)

✨ Disable the User Profile Modal Overhaul

🎭 User Profile Role Addition List modifications

Another "but why would you disable this?" QoL feature, makes the small and quick roles addition list bigger and longer to make it easier to add a role to an user when your server has a stupidly big amount of roles.

UPRAL modifications are enabled (Default)

🎭 Disable the User Profile Role Addition List modifications

💡 Blackout Animations

Not to be confused with the Welcome Animation, this internal module changes the loading screen that shows up when you have no internet (or when you're starting Discord if Flashcord loads fast enough on your client). There exists currently 2 Boot Animations: The Android Styled one which is the default, and the Terminal one which is used by default in the Terminal Mode Theme.

Android Style Blackout Animation (Default)

Terminal Style Blackout Animation (Default)

📱 Set the Animation to Android Style regardless of the Theme

đŸ–Ĩī¸ Set the Animation to Terminal Style

↩ī¸ Restore the Stock Connection Animation

🍄 Emoji Module (alias Jumbojis)

Emojis. But B I G. Wow! It annoys me how emojis are ridiculously small when they could be bigger in certain cases without being much of a problem. This internal module thus makes them bigger in certain situations.

Emojis are thicc (Default)

↩ī¸ Restore Emojis to their regular size

🍄 (Search Embed Module) Bigger Stickers/Emoji/GIF Selector

Our civilisation has advanced forward to bring bigger and bigger displays with a wild aspect ratio of 16:9 or even wider like 21:9. And then Discord gives you a small as hell selection popup menu. This makes it big. Because big is cool and better to use.

Bigger Stickers/Emoji/GIF Selector (Default)

↩ī¸ Restore the Stock Stickers/Emoji/GIF Selector

đŸ”Ŧ Focus

Certain elements are "floating" and well, they're small. This internal module mimics the bane of competitive gamers called depth of field. Certain elements when hovered will now blur the background to help bring out more pop-ups.

Background blurs when hovering on floating elements (Default)

đŸ”Ŧ Disable the Background Blurring on Element Focus

🛠ī¸ Message Enhancements

Like the systemd haters would say, this is a monolithic internal module. Contains various tweaks to the messaging experience, such as link embeds being in the same line to prevent flooding.

Background blurs when hovering on floating elements (Default)

đŸ”Ŧ Disable the Background Blurring on Element Focus

đŸ’Ŧ Chatbox Enhancements

The default Message Bar on Discord really doesn't fit well with Flashcord at all, this makes the message bar lower, rounder and all the other SNDL things that matches the theme of Flashcord.

The Chat Bar looks like Sirius' GPU Frying Website (Default)

đŸ’Ŧ Disable Chatbox Enhancements

đŸĻ˜ More Compact "Jump To" Bars

Literally why do they take up the entire width of the channel? As you may now understand, this makes them much smaller which shouldn't annoy you when you write or read anything and the bar bugs out and won't BLOODY GET OFF MY SCREEN-

The Jump Bars are more compact (Default)

đŸĻ˜ Restore the "Jump To" Bars to Stock

📒 Cleaner Roles List

That small User Profile Role List is loud and ugly. Makes the roles in equal sizes and fills the whole space which makes it look, in my opinion, a LOT better.

The Role List is quiet and magnificent (Default)

↩ī¸ Restore the Role List behavior to Stock

🛒 (Replugged Only) Addons Tab Modifications

Flashcord puts your trusty Addons in a grid much like the Friends Tab (except it's not horribly broken). It also puts first addons that function perfectly well with Flashcord or are my personal recommendations. If you're not happy with this behavior, feel free to disable it.

The Addons Tab is Enhanced (Default)

🛒 Disable Replugged Addons being in a Grid

💭 Pop-up Menus Enhancements

Wow! It's now rounded and is less buggy! And of course has useless animations!

Pop-up Menus got SNDL'd on (Default)

💭 Disable Pop-up Menus Enhancements

📱 Call UI Overhaul

Elements are all very separated which is very annoying on high resolutions displays as you have to move your mouse a lot to hit different things. The Call UI Overhaul changes it to prevent unnecessary mouse movement and brings controls more close to where your messages are.

The Call UI is redesigned (Default)

This feature is not out yet.

See you when Half Life 3 releases!!

📱 Disable the Call Interface Overhaul

â›Ŋ Discord Nitro Remover

Annoying Nitro Elements are removed (Default)

Nitro? Gone. Reduced to quarks.

This feature is currently half baked

Another feature that's delayed :')

đŸšĢ Nuke Everything Nitro Related

💸 Leave all Nitro Up-sells on

⚠ī¸ Disable Flashcord Warnings

Warning: Flashcord is in Beta. Warning: Custom Background Mode without ThemeHooker is UNSUPPORTED. Warning: Dark Mode is unfinished. Warning: Transparent Mode is Unfinished. Warning: Iridescent Mode is Unfinished.




Copy the following code and paste it at the end of your QuickCSS.

Need to go back at the start real quick? Click here and you'll rocket back up!

@import url("https://sirio-network.com/flashcord/lang/french.css";)

@import url("https://sirio-network.com/flashcord/lang/spanish.css";)

@import url("https://sirio-network.com/flashcord/lang/romanian.css";)

:root {

--Flashcord-Configurator: "Build 240719";

--Flashcord-Language: GangChat;

--Flashcord-Module_Idle_Optimizations: FCM-Idle_Max;

--Flashcord-Module_Idle_Optimizations: void;

--Flashcord-Module_Control: FCM-Control-Panel_Full;

--Flashcord-Module_Control: void;

--Flashcord-Module_MAT: void;

--Flashcord-Module_AT: void;

--Flashcord-Module_Chat-Slide: FCM-Chat-Slide_Legacy;

--Flashcord-Module_Chat-Slide: void;

--Flashcord-Module_Member-Slide: void;

--Flashcord-Module_Guild-Notification: FCM-Guild_Notification-Static;

--Flashcord-Module_Guild-Notification: void;

--Flashcord-Module_Guild: FCM-Guild_Compact-Horizontal;

--Flashcord-Module_Guild: void;

--Flashcord-Module_Channel-Notification: FCM-Channel_Notification-Static;

--Flashcord-Module_Channel-Notification: void;

--Flashcord-Module_Message-Slide: void;

--Flashcord-Module_Image-Zoom: void;

--Flashcord-Module_Menthrepin: void;

--Flashcord-Module_Search-Message: void;

--Flashcord-Module_Friends: void;

--Flashcord-Module_User-Profile: void;

--Flashcord-Module_User-Role-List: void;

--Flashcord-Module_Role-Grid: void;

--Flashcord-Module_Blackout: FCM-Boot_Blackout-Android;

--Flashcord-Module_Blackout: FCM-Boot_Blackout-Terminal;

--Flashcord-Module_Blackout: void;

--Flashcord-Module_Emoji: void;

--Flashcord-Module_DeNitrofy: FCM-DeNitrofy_Extreme;

--Flashcord-Module_DeNitrofy: void;

--Flashcord-Warnings: void;

--Flashcord-Image-Size_Iridescent-Light: cover;

--Flashcord-Rainbow-Animation_Iridescent-Light: void;

--Flashcord-Background-Animation_Iridescent-Light: void;

--Flashcord-Image-Size_Iridescent-Dark: cover;

--Flashcord-Rainbow-Animation_Iridescent-Dark: void;

--Flashcord-Background-Animation_Iridescent-Dark: void;


Your Device/Browser isn't supported.

Please open the Flashcord Configurator on a supported browser.

We recommend using Firefox on a Computer or a modern browser that supports the CSS ":has" selector.

Notice: iOS Web Browsers/Safari won't work because Apple is dumb.

Detailed error for turbo-nerds:

The CSS code:

"@supports not selector(.Userspace:has([type="checkbox"]:active)"

Returned true which means your Web Browser doesn't understand what :has([type="checkbox"]:active) means.

As this website is purely without JS, I'm using the famous CSS Checkbox Hack to make the configurator work.

This has the side effect however to only work on certain devices as I'm using :has. I could without it but it would be a pain in the ass.

Your Device/Browser is too low resolution.

Please resize your Browser window or switch to a computer instead of viewing this page on your phone you absolute fuf.

The reason the Flashcord Configurator requires a high resolution is simply out of pure laziness.

Notice: Rotating your phone to Landscape may work but isn't supported, but you can try it.

Detailed error for turbo-nerds:

The CSS code:

"@media only screen and (max-width: 1200px)"

Returned true which means your Web Browser has a resolution of 1200px or less in width.

The Flashcord Configurator is currently only has the basics to function correctly, and thus, mobile versions are not made yet.

A certain range of resolutions may still work with the configurator with some slight graphical bugs however.

Either way, Flashcord is not available for Mobile Versions yet, the hell you doing here?